Day 5 (Last one) :)

On our last day, our guest speakers were Rebecca Hogue and Helen DeWaard.
They made us think how we want to be seen on the internet, to be really careful when talking about other people on our blogs and to handle haters or bullies by not reacting, because they will understand that you don’t care and will move on. Keep monitoring your blog, so you can take care of any situation that presents to you on your blog or site.

Avoid to share private personal information to public spaces, which is different to the personal information, because when saying private personal information you are talking about your home, family, phone number, which is something dangerous if people have them.

There are 3 things that they mentioned:

  • We need to always remember the benefit other people will get when reading our blog, work to create a positive blog and to control who we are.
  • We should honor the roots of where we come from and be true to who we are.
  • Define your blog (issues you are going to talk about, might be personal, like a diary or a public one).

We should always think that what we post or do on the internet, will affect your digital identity.


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